Sunday, September 13, 2015

Unit and Advocati Concept

Two new characters that I have been working on
Unit is a human girl who grew up in poverty. She was abandoned by her family at a age and been bullied for mostly of her life. Once she turned 14, believing that the world is full with nothing but chaos, she form with contact a demon, giving up her eye sight, in hope that he'll help rid of the impurities in the world and create a new order.
Advocati is a shadow demon who Unit form the contact with.  In the past, he committed a crime that cause to lose his eyes as a punishment. After forming the contact with Unit, he took her eyes in exchange for his services. The eyes he currently have are in fact Unit's , this causes Unit to see what he sees. He usually travel around her acting as her shadow.

Medium used: Pencil and paper for the sketch. Digital for the final thing.
Program used: Paint Tool Sai
The amount of hours it took: 7 in total...i think
Style: Chibi because this is more of designing them
Am I satisfied with this: For the mostly part yes.

Characters belong to me.

Friday, September 4, 2015

Influence Map

Influence Map created for Graphic Arts. Mostly Fandoms and Cats with a hint of space.